Becontree Estate. Europe's largest purpose built estate of the time via the Homes fit for Heroes act of 1919.
"The ‘Addison Act’ , as it became known, after its author, Dr Christopher Addison, the Minister of Health - was a highly significant step forward in housing provision.
It made housing a national responsibility, and local authorities were given the task of developing new housing and rented accommodation where it was needed by working people.
Constructed 1921 - 1935.
The Mobile Museum will be visiting Becontree Estate on a number of days:
The Dagenham Idol is a wooden statue of a naked human figure, found in Dagenham in 1922. The statue has been carbon dated to around 2250 BC, late neolithic or early bronze age period, making it one of the oldest representations of human representation in Europe. The statue was found in marshland on the northbank of the Thames, during excavation for sewer pipes in 1922, on the site of Ford Dagenham.
We will make our own, new versions of the Dagenham Idol, from clay, thinking about what an idol or votive sacrifice for the borough in 2015 would and could look like.
All Materials and refreshments will be provided.
The session is open to all ages, adults are particularly encouraged.
An event bringing together banjo players from across the borough and London to play on a "Banjo", the affectionately known local landmark patches of spaces and housing clusters that are dotted around the estate
A walking tour taking in the delights of the estate, led by a real expert
A number of making and collecting workshops to generate content for The Mobile Museum